The Congress on Tuesday accused the Aam Aadmi Party of indulging in advertising politics and said it would be appropriate to call the party ‘Arvind Advertising Party’. The claims made by the Delhi government regarding education, health and employment are false and its entire emphasis has been on advertisements.
Congress said, “Get your work done, people go to hell. This is the reality of ‘Arvind Advertising Party’, ‘Arvind Actors Party’ or ‘Arvind Aish Party’. This party has advertising politics which needs to be talked about.” In 2015, the AAP government gave Rs 81 crore to different newspapers and TV channels through advertisements in Delhi, then Rs 117 crore in 2017-18, Ads worth Rs 200 crore were given in 2019, about Rs 490 crore in 2021-22. During the tenure of Sheila Dikshit ji, the advertising budget of the Delhi government was only Rs 11 crore annually.
He also claimed that the Aam Aadmi Party government formed in Punjab a few months back is unable to pay salaries to government employees in the state, but has spent Rs 36 crore in two months on advertising for channels and newspapers.