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Hindu boy killed, body dumped in river in Pakistan

A Hindu youth was brutally killed in Sindh province of Pakistan. 90 percent of Pakistan’s Hindus live in Sindh province of Pakistan. Atrocities on Pakistan’s Hindu population continues unabated. In gruesome incident, a Hindu youth’s body was dumped in a river in Hala, Mitiari, Sindh-Pakistan after his throat was slit with a sharp weapon.

Pakistani activist Rahat Austin took to Twitter to share the news. He wrote that the dead body of a Hindu youth named, Mohan Bagari, was recovered from the river in Hala city, which is a Taluka in Mitiari district of Sindh, Pakistan. The youth’s throat was slit with a sharp weapon confirmed Austin.

Sharing that the youth’s family, which was already starving, were now worried about the youth’s funeral as they did not have the means, Austin accentuates the horrid plight of the religious minorities in Pakistan.

Such incidents, where religious minorities are being oppressed and victimised are very common in the terror state of Pakistan. Though such incidents are regularly reported, Imran Khan government is doing little to save its religious minorities from the atrocities being meted out at them almost every other day.

Last month, we reported how 102 Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam in the Golarchi district which falls under Badin district of Sindh province, Pakistan. This was not all, it has also been reported that all the idols of Hindu gods kept in a local temple were destroyed and the premises was converted into a mosque.

In fact, last month the activist had shared a video, where the mother of an abducted Hindu girl was seen broken down with grief. She kept on saying that “It’s a curse to be born in an Islamic country.” In the incident, which reportedly happened on 27th June in Saedabad, Hala Mitiari, of Sindh province Pakistan, a 14-year-old Hindu girl was abducted and taken for sexual exploitation. She was also forced to convert to Islam, confirmed Rahat Austin.

Pakistan has a history of atrocities against the minority community. Non-Muslims in Pakistan, Hindus especially are persecuted greatly by the Muslims of the country. Women are raped at an alarming frequency, forcibly converted to Islam and life is made hell for them. To help the non-Muslims of the country, the Indian Parliament has passed the Citizenship Amendment Act which reduces the residential requirement for naturalisation from 11 to 5 years for persecuted religious minorities of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

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