Coronavirus cases in the world has crossed the 1.92 crore-mark with the United States having the maximum number of cases in the world. US now has 49 lakh coronavirus cases while Brazil has 29 lakh.
India continues to be at the third position and has recorded 20.88 lakh cases with Over 61,000 new cases on Friday. Over 42,000 people have died in India due to Covid-19.
Over 150 coronavirus vaccines are in various stages of development in several countries with a few making advanced progress in clinical trials. While the Oxford coronavirus vaccine and a Chinese vaccine showing positive results in the first round of human trials, the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine has shown positive results among mice and developed immunity against the disease upon testing.
India’s Covaxin, developed by Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech has also entered the human trial stage and is expected to come out with results in a month