Islam-backed terrorism is on the rise. The November 2 incident in Vienna shook the world when an the ISIS terrorist opened fire in busy market area. The ISIS terrorist planned another bloodbath inside a church in Vienna yesterday during prayer. The ISIS militant recognised as Abu Dagnah Al-Albany, planned another carnage, this time inside the premises of a Church when there would be innocent people like women and children. The man was later identified as the man behind the attack that took place on November 2 across central Vienna. He had failed as the door was locked by the timer.
Vienna is tightening its vigilance and security especially at the local churches for the Christmas season.
When the Catholic Group was holding a non-public prayer hour in the Ruprecht Church, the terrorist wanted to attack with an assault rifle. However, as the gates of the church were locked, he failed. The WEGA agents shot him dead a few moments later in front of the church. The shocked women and children were interviewed by the investigation team “Investigative Group 2 November”.
The authorities have announced that they will release the interim report of the Commission detailing the breakdown of the investigation carried out by anti-terror forces before Christmas.
Michael Prüller, the spokesman of the Vienna Archdiocese, detailed the situation during the attack. When the shots were fired, 17 people present in the church reacted with the presence of mind and hid after switching off the lights. They stayed hidden until 2:30 AM on Tuesday until the police gave them the all-clear so that they could go home.
On November 2, the ISIS terrorist had opened fire across Vienna. As per Vienna Police, at around 8 PM local time, several shots were fired at a busy street in the city centre. The attack happened at six locations. Three, including the attacker, were killed. On November 3, the Vienna authorities confirmed that the attacker was affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS.
Further investigation revealed that he was released early on terror charges in 2019. At that time, he defended himself by claiming that he went to the ‘wrong mosque’. On November 6, Austria announced that they are shutting down radical mosques that were visited frequently by the terrorist.