Piyush Singh, a Jaipur-based man who went missing on March 20 was found to be from Delhi’s Nizamuddin Markaz recently where his name was registered as Mohammad Ali in the Tablighi Jamaat list, officials said.
Seven days after he went missing, his father Anoop Singh, lodged a complaint at Sadar Thana, Jaipur on March 27. The missing man was brought back from Markaz this Wednesday by a Jaipur police team, confirmed Sadar Thana SHO Rajendra Singh Shekhawat.
Piyush’s Aadhaar number is the same as that of Ali shown in the list of Tablighi Jamaat members. Also, Ali’s address shows a Meerut location. On April 19, Ali alias Piyush was advised quarantine. He was in Sultanpuri police station in Delhi, confirmed officials adding that his samples were collected thrice and he tested negative each time.
A police team went to Delhi and brought him back this Wednesday. SHO Shekhawat told that as the man did not want to come back, he wanted to stay there and was in regular touch with his father. His mobile also remained switched on when he was in Markaz, he said.
He further said that he went to the Markaz on his own wish. When asked why the boy’s name was quoted as Ali, the SHO said, “He must have registered his name on his own. If he wanted himself to be known as Robin Hood, the officials there would have written his name as Robin Hood. He stayed there on his own wish and will.”
However, his father shared a different story. “I came to know that my son was in Markaz just 10 days back. Thereafter, the police coordinated the efforts and helped in bringing him back.” He further said that “after returning from Delhi, my son’s mental condition is not stable and he did not want to talk to anyone.”
“Piyush is BCA passout, is preparing for MCA. As it’s just been two days he has returned from Delhi, we will ask him after a few days how he reached Markaz.
The hapless father in a feeble tone further said, “Times are not good, we don’t know how he got in touch with whom and managed to reach Markaz.” Also, in his missing complaint, he had said that his son had been reading namaaz and had started talking of Islam since the last few months.
He also started looking tense when at home, his father mentioned in his complaint at Sadar Thana in Jaipur. Piyush had also completed his cyber security course and was adept in his skills, his father mentioned in the complaint.