Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated Amrita Hospital in Faridabad, Haryana. This super specialty hospital run by Mata Amritanandamayi Math has a provision of two thousand 600 beds. This hospital is being built at an estimated cost of about Rs. This will provide state-of-the-art health facilities to the people of Faridabad and the National Capital Region.
The Prime Minister will dedicate to the nation the Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital and Research Center at Mullanpur in Sahibzada Ajitnagar district in New Chandigarh today. This institute has been set up at a cost of more than Rs.660 crores.
The Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital and Research Center has a 300 bedded hospital. It has modern facilities like surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and bone marrow transplant which can cure cancer.