Union Minister Jitendra Singh said on Monday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has changed the atmosphere in Jammu and Kashmir and restored normalcy. Speaking to the media, Jitendra Singh stated that Prime Minister Modi has freed Jammu and Kashmir from the politics of hate that the Congress party practiced for 30 years. Today, during a rally in Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir, Congress leader and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, said that BJP and RSS are spreading hate and violence in Jammu and Kashmir and other states.
Responding to Rahul Gandhi’s statement, Union Minister Jitendra Singh told news agency ANI, “When he (Rahul) goes to Srinagar and plays with snowballs with his sister, eats ice cream at Lal Chowk, was this possible when Congress was in power at the Center and in the state? It was the result of the hate spread by them that Jammu and Kashmir had to endure the shadow of terrorism for 30 years. Today, Prime Minister Modi has changed the atmosphere and restored normalcy. Modi has freed Jammu and Kashmir from the politics of hate that Congress practiced for 30 years.”
Meanwhile, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma told the media, “I am in Jammu and Kashmir today, and seeing the enthusiasm of the youth and women, I am confident that a BJP government will be formed with a huge majority in Jammu and Kashmir. Every election Congress fights is based on lies and misleading the public.”