Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrived at the winter session of Parliament carrying special bags as a symbol of support for important social and international issues. On Tuesday, Priyanka Gandhi arrived carrying a handbag supporting the Hindus and Christians of Bangladesh, which had the message, “Stand with the Hindus and Christians of Bangladesh.” The bag was adorned with an uplifted fist symbolizing unity and a dove, the messenger of peace.
During the Zero Hour in Parliament, Priyanka Gandhi expressed concern over the violent incidents against Hindus, Christians and minorities in Bangladesh. She demanded the Indian government to take action on this issue and intervene by communicating with the Bangladesh government.
A day before this, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra reached Parliament carrying a handbag supporting Palestine, on which “Palestine” was written and a white dove was made, a symbol of peace. There were many reactions to her move, but she has repeatedly raised her voice in support of Palestine. Outside the Parliament, opposition leaders protested against the atrocities on minorities in Bangladesh. Raising slogans, the MPs demanded intervention from the Indian government.
Congress says that incidents of atrocities on minorities are increasing in Bangladesh, while the central government is silent on this. On this platform, Priyanka Gandhi’s message bags drew people’s attention towards social and human rights issues. Congress protested in the Parliament premises and demanded protection of minority communities of Bangladesh.
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