Rashtriya Swayamsevak Pramukh Mohan Bhagwat has said that the Sangh will continue its campaign to reach out to the Muslim community. Addressing the annual program of Vijayadashami in Nagpur, he said that Muslims are not in danger and Hindutva organizations will continue to allay their fears and apprehensions.
The Sangh chief said that last month he held meetings with several Muslim religious leaders and also visited a mosque and madrasa in Delhi. Bhagwat said that an atmosphere of fear is being created among the so-called minorities, which needs to be countered. He said that neither the Sangh Parivar nor the Hindu community is against Muslims.
Bhagwat emphasized the need for a comprehensive population policy, which is equally applicable to all communities. Referring to the issue of population imbalance, he said that there should be no tampering in the community structure of India. The Sangh chief stressed on the use of his mother tongue and said that the English language was not important for making the future.
Bhagwat also emphasized on equality of women. Mountaineer Santosh Yadav was also invited in this program of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. She is the first woman to participate in any Sangh program.