Metro train services will become operational from September 7 while schools, colleges and other educational institutions will remain shut under Unlock 4, the Union Home Ministry said today.
Issuing guidelines for Unlock 4.0, which will come into effect from September 1, the home ministry said the government has decided to open up more activities under containment zones. However, the lockdown will be strictly enforced in all containment zones till September 30.
The home ministry said these guidelines have been formulated based on feedback received from states and UTs, and extensive consultations held with related central ministries and departments.
As per Unlock 4 guidelines, metro train services will be allowed to operate from September 7. However, these operations will start in a graded manner by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and the Ministry of Railways in consultation with home ministry.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs will also be issuing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for operation of metro train services under Unlock 4.
Social, sports and cultural events
The central government has also decided to allow social, academic, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious and political functions under Unlock 4. These events will however be allowed only outside containment zones.
While the MHA has allowed these events from September 21, it has said they cannot involve participation of more than 100 people.
“Such limited gatherings can be held with mandatory wearing of face masks, social distancing, provision for thermal scanning and hand wash or sanitizer,” the MHA guidelines for Unlock 4 state.
Apart from this, open-air theatres will also be permitted to open with effect from September 21.
Schools, colleges, coaching centres and other educational institutions will remain shut till September 30. The MHA said this decision was taken after extensive consultation with states and UTs.
“It has been decided that schools, colleges, educational and coaching institutions will continue to remain closed for students and regular class activity up to September 30. Online/distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged,” the guidelines stated.
However, while schools and colleges will remain shut throughout September, the MHA has allowed certain activities in areas that are outside containment zones.
States/ UTs may permit upto 50 per cent of teaching and non-teaching staff to be called to the schools at a time for online teaching/ tele- counselling and related work.
Students of Classes 9 to 12 may be permitted to visit their schools, in areas outside the containment zones only, on voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers. This will be subject to written consent of their parents/guardians.
Skill or entrepreneurship training will be permitted in National Skill Training Institutes, Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), short-term training centres registered with National Skill Development Corporation or State Skill Development Missions or other central government ministries or state governments.
National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) and their training providers will also be permitted to operate.
Higher education institutions only for research scholars (PhD) and post-graduate students of technical and professional programmes requiring laboratory/ experimental works. These will be permitted by the Department of Higher Education (DHE) in consultation with MHA, based on the assessment of the situation, and keeping in view incidence of Covid-19 in the states/ UTs.
These activities will be permitted with effect from September 21 and the Union Health Ministry will soon issue an SOP for this.
Under Unlock 4, all activities except the following will be allowed outside areas that have been declared as containment zones.
Cinema halls, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres (excluding open-air theatre) and similar places.
International air travel of passengers, except as permitted by MHA.
Lockdown shall continue to be implemented strictly in the containment zones till September 30.