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Jharkhand HC shut down due to risk of COVID-19

Jharkhand High Court has been added into the long list of offices and services being shut down for a few days to avoid the spread of deadly novel coronavirus, also known as Covid-19. Novel coronavirus of Covid-19 has infected at least 132 people across India, claiming at least two lives since its outbreak in December.

The decision to close Jharkhand HC was taken on Tuesday after a full-court meeting presided by Chief Justice of Jharkhand Dr Ravi Ranjan. Only the urgent criminal and civil case of utmost importance will be heard.

Several governments have asked their offices to keep the staff to the minimum or have completely closed them except emergency services. Educational institutions, monuments, zoos, museums and any other place of mass gatherings have already in asked to remain closed till the end of this month in the majority of the states.

Supreme Court has also told lawyers not to ask petitioners to be present in the court during proceedings.

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