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“Proper nutrition is significant to create a prosperous nation”: PM

Asserting that proper nutrition is significant to create a prosperous nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday involved undertaking efforts to succeed in bent people across the country to spread awareness on eradicating malnutrition.

With the ‘Psohan Maah’ (nutrition month) 2020 ranging from Monday, Modi said in tweets that this exercise will help India’s youth and ladies force.

He noted that India is home to numerous healthy dishes and asked people to share them on @mygovIndia, the citizen engagement platform of the Union government.

“Let’s be #Local4Poshan! Our nation is home to dozens of healthy dishes, which have high nutrition value. Share them on a specially created space on @mygovindia. May your family recipe contribute to a nutritious also as healthy India. #POSHANMaah2020,” he said.

The prime minister also posted a brief clip of last month’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’ broadcast during which he had spoken about the importance of nutrition in people’s development.

Every year ‘Poshan Maah’ is observed in September to mark the country’s fight against malnutrition.

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