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No country will support Pakistan: SM Qureshi

Caught in an embarrassed situation, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has asked his countrymen not to live in a “fool’s paradise as no country will support them on their protest over revoking Article 370 in Kashmir valley in United Nation.

Neither permanent 5 (P5) members of United Nations Security Council nor a section of Muslim countries will show any interest to work with Pakistan over the issue. Meanwhile, Russia openly supported India’s stand on Kashmir resolution and termed it was India’s internal matter taken within the framework of the constitution of the Republic of India.

After facing the massive embarrassment on Monday, Pakistani Foreign Minister SM Qureshi said at a press conference: “People in the Security Council are not standing with flowers; any of the P5 members can be hurdle. There shouldn’t be any ambiguity on that, do not live in a fool’s paradise.” He also stated that let the people of Pakistan and Kashmir be aware that nobody out there (at UNSC) is waiting for you, nor awaiting your invite.
Recently, US President Donald Trump made a statement that now there is no need to work on Kashmir as middleman. We can boost up the two neighbouring countries to resolve the conflict bilaterally. Besides this, the US state department has also noted that India declared the issue an internal matter.

Member of OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) UAE’s envoy to India Dr Ahmed Al Banna has said, “We expect that the changes would improve social justice and security and confidence of the people in the local governance.”

Another member, Maldives said, “We believe that it is the right of every sovereign nation to amend their laws as required.” And the P5 are China, France, Russia, US and the United Kingdom.

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