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Netanyahu makes exit plan to reopen economy in Israel

As the highly contagious coronavirus spreads around the world, Israel and the Palestinians struggle to contain a local outbreak that has virtually halted daily life and led to tens of thousands of people entering quarantine.

12,758 Israelis have so far tested positive for the coronavirus; 142 people have died. In the West Bank, 282 cases have been diagnosed so far. Two have died. In Gaza, 13 cases have been diagnosed. Coronavirus world tracker: Live statistics of cases and deaths

The government has called upon Israelis to wear face masks in public to better protect themselves and others from the virus. Guidelines explained

The government has allowed the lockdown on the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak, a coronavirus hotspot. On Thursday, it is debating whether to reimpose it, as well as extend a curfew on Jerusalem neighbourhoods with a high infection rate.

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